Posts tagged ‘summer’

No Pets Allowed in Hot Car!

Summer is here. A perfect time to remind pet owners NOT to leave their pets in the car while shopping, not even for a few minutes. It is also a perfect time to spread the word for everyone to be vigilant at seeing a pet in distress in a hot car, to respond, react and report.

The Ontario SPCA’s #NoHotPets awareness campaign was launched to do just that. In the summer of 2014, the campaign reached over 20 million impressions online, received over 11,000 pledges and had 129 organizations/companies partner with the campaign across Canada.

Wherever you live, it is a good idea to get familiar with the contact info of your local animal services and police. Keep the numbers handy on your mobile phone ready for emergency. If needs be, call 911.  Don’t hesitate to act fast, it saves lives!

HotCar Dog

June 18, 2015 at 5:34 pm Leave a comment
